Friday, 19 June 2009

Playing Card Box

This is how I made the playing card box. I saw it in a book whilst browsing in Waterstones bookshop, can't remember the title or whether I've remembered the method correctly, but I think they're cute nonetheless.

1) Start with two playing cards, place one on top of the other. Fold bottom card up and over the top card.
2) Fold the other end over.
3)Swap bottom card with top card, fold as in steps 1+2.
4)Now pull both cards apart. Slot one fold of a card between the two folds of the other card. Then holding that in place try and slot the remaining fold between the top two folds. This is a bit fiddly but once it pops in you have two cards cuddling each other very tightly. See picture 5
5)Make another.
6)Using a single card, fold in middle, slot between the two you've already made and Bob's your Auntie - a corner.
7) Keep going until you have enough for your box. I cut a small slit in the top card and fixed a bit of ribbon as a handle.

Send us a picture if you make one. I love the idea of using a pack of those naughty 70s playing cards - or maybe thats a bit too outrageous. Have fun. Hope the instructions make sense.


  1. yay!! i can't wait to try this

  2. I love the box - what a great way to use up odd cards and also a great box for little presents - well done you! Buttons are also great - I have a collection that I made when I was small so just tend to raid that - but good to see button making is still happening out in the world!

  3. That is actually something useful!

    now if we could submit this to reddit or digg...

    nice post on playing cards.

    I specially like the wallet one.

  4. Hello Lovely Lady,
    Missed you at nutty knitting tonight! Hope you're well xxx
